1. Preparation of tender documents for 4 lots in Ruse and Vidin (as local partner of COMPAS, Germany
Road connection to Ferry Port Ruse
Ruse - parking to the ferryboat terminal
National road І-1 Е79 Ferryboat Vidin ring road km 0+700 to km 0+365.55
2. Design and designer’s supervision of lots in Ruse and Vidin (direct contract with PHARE- Brussels)– rehabilitation of sections of the national road network
3. Strategic Development Plan for the Port of Ruse (as local partner of Sir Alexander GIBB & Partners, UK)
4. Danube Corridor Development Plan (as local partner of Kinbaum, Germany) – study of cargo flow and engineering infrastructure
5. Financial Investment Study of Sofia Airport (as local partner of Sir Alexander GIBB & Partners, UK)
6. Construction of a new Danube Bridge (as local partner of Sir Alexander GIBB & Partners, UK) – exploring options, financial and economic assessments
7. Balkan Transportation Study (as local partner of Sir Alexander GIBB & Partners, UK)
8. Master plan of Port Lom (as a local partner of HPC Port Consult GmbH, Germany)
9. Project COMPRIS – Consortium for the Operating Management Platform for River Information System
10. Railway line Bulgaria-Macedonia – preparing of tender documents for 3 stations, structures and border tunnel “Deve Bair”
11. Railway line Sofia-Varna – part Strazhica – Dralfa, and Bulgaria-Macedonia – preparing of tender documents for 3 stations, structures and border tunnel “Deve Bair”
12. Coast protection against erosion – 7 sections, design and preparing tender documents
13. Coast protection and landslide stabilization of “Slunchev Den” Resort and Road І-9 Varna-Zlatni pyasuci – preparing tender documents
14. Cross Border Check Point at Силистра – preparing detailed design and tender documents
15. Cross Border Check Point at Nikopol and ferry – preparing detailed design and tender documents